
4 Awesome Curiosity Rover Replicas

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory costs $2.5 billion dollars (and some change) and just happens to be roving around the red surface of Mars - so your chances of ever owning it are slim to none. That is unless you happen to get your hands on one of these  awesome replicas.

If you are a LEGO enthusiast, you can get your hands on this kit or instructions on how to build this replica with your owns pieces. This was actually designed by a mechanical engineer that worked on Curiosity at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory! This LEGO set doesn't stop with just a rover, you can even make the Sky Crane!

Of course when it comes to making models of out-of-this-world vehicles, your collection wouldn't be complete without a Hot Wheels car!

LEGO building is all fine and dandy, but where there real fun comes in are LEGO Mindstorms! I like to call these big boy LEGOS or LEGOS on steroids. Only thing this bad boy is lacking is a rock crushing laser!

When it comes to replicas, who wouldn't a full size one to park in your garage? Here is one that is on display at the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C.

Did I miss one? Let us see it on the comments below!

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